The Ellysian Blog
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Your Ultimate Winter Escape Aw...
E cape the winter chill and embrace the warmth of the tropic with an unforgettable getaway to The Elly ian Boutique Hotel in beautiful Placencia,...
JetBlue launches nonstop fligh...
E cape the winter blue and embark on a journey to the Caribbean paradi e of Placencia, BelizeNe tled on the coa t of Belize, The Elly ian Boutique...
The Ellysian Boutique Hotel Wi...
We are thrilled to hare ome exciting new with you - The Elly ian Boutique Hotel ha been honored with the pre tigiou Tripadvi or Traveler ’...
Beach Vibes and Delicious Bite...
Today, we are excited to talk about one of the mo t anticipated event in Placencia, Belize – the annual Placencia Lob ter Fe tival Get ready to...
Why Placencia?
If you're planning a trip to Placencia, you've got to read thi Why Placencia Well, for tarter , the Placencia Penin ula i fa t becoming one of...
Happy Father’s Day!
Thi Father’ Day, we want to take time to honor the men who care, who love, who mentor, who how up Here are a few way to celebrate dad...
It’s time to explore you...
THE TIME IS NOW! Thi ummer, take advantage of our 50% Di count on accommodation plu breakfa t in bed! Here' why you hould be a touri t in...
Happy Mother’s Day!
In honor of Mother' Day, we've thought about a few way to celebrate mom and motherhood thi year If you're holed up at home with mom during...
Belizean Cuisine: 10 Dishes Yo...
If you love traveling, chance are you enjoy good food on your travel Once you've ta ted the authentic avory di he Belize ha to offer…well,...
Top 5 Reasons why you should v...
Ea ter i one of the mo t anticipated holiday in Belize Holy Friday and Ea ter Monday are public & bank holiday , making Ea ter a 4-day...
24 hours in Placencia
Placencia i a paradi e and playground, with adventure to pur ue, memorie to be made and hared and great Belizean cui ine to be ampled and...
5 Inspiring Travel Quotes
Top 5 Travel Quote That Will In pire You 1“The journey of a thou and mile begin with a ingle tep” ~Lao Tzu Lao Tzu i a well-known...
How to make Belizean Boil Up!
Popularized from all around the country, but with it main focu in the outhern region of Belize, “Boil up” i one of the mo t eaten and...
Ten things you should know abo...
1 Belize ha the large t barrier reef in the We tern Hemi phere 2 The barrier reef ho t more than 450 i land that we call “Caye ” and...
Top 5 Instagram Pictures of P...
5 A Beautiful Day In tagram: @theelly ian Sometime you ju t need and, un, ea breeze and alt water to feel like a new per on Placencia...
How to make Belizean Lemon Pie...
Lemon pie rank among the mo t loved de ert enjoyed by Belizean A deliciou a they are, they’re ea y to make Here' a imple tep by tep...
How to make Belizean Eggnog (R...
Looking for omething weet and alcoholic thi Chri tma Look no further, here i an ea y recipe for Belizean Eggnog! Ingredient: 3 Tin of...
How to make Fryjack!
Belizean fry jack are one of the mo t popular comfort food in Belize! They are u ually a golden brown half moon or triangle hape fried dough –...
Top 5 Things To Do In Placenci...
#5 - Catch a Sunri e on the Beach A unri e here in Placencia i guaranteed to be beautiful, and the experience will be unforgettable While...
Top 6 Tours In Belize
Waterfall Rappelling - Cave Branch Located in the country' we tern Cayo Di trict, including the Thou and Foot Fall that end a tremendou...